I had a mayor crash during our upgrade to jomla 5. Luckily we did our backup just before the chrash. The restore with akeeba kickstart seems to do all right the files are unpacked as they should and the database is also restored. But booth frontend and controlpanel is showing error 500.[img]
Akeeba Kickstart Core 8.0.5
Any Idea Of what is causing this error?Where to start? May be this is question for the akeeba support but since. The error message is generated by joomla and not kickstart I hope someone knows what might causing this
greatful for all help!
Jomla version that we are trying to restore: 4.4Akeeba Kickstart Core 8.0.5
Any Idea Of what is causing this error?Where to start? May be this is question for the akeeba support but since. The error message is generated by joomla and not kickstart I hope someone knows what might causing this
greatful for all help!
Statistics: Posted by MartenJ — Tue Jul 09, 2024 2:59 pm